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Why use Amcare by Convatec prescription delivery service?

If you are looking for reliability and discretion to get on with your life, our prescription delivery service is for you!
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  • Many people assume they don’t have a choice in who delivers their prescription in the UK, especially if the delivery company was recommended by their nurse or GP.
  • As a user of urology, continence, or stoma products, you can opt for any delivery company and change at any time. The choice is yours.
  • There is no need to inform your existing delivery company that you no longer need them to manage your requirements.
  • Arranging for Amcare to deliver your supplies is simple and quick.


  • The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) speeds up the time it takes for us to receive your prescription, meaning that we can send your stoma or continence supplies to you more quickly. 
  • Choosing Amcare to process your electronic prescription is called "nomination". You only need to do this once.
  • When you nominate Amcare, your GP surgery will send your prescription electronically directly to us. There's no need for you to keep making phone calls or calling in to your surgery or chemist. Our customor care advisors will ensure your prescription is managed in good time to ensure that you get the supplies you need. 

Why choose our prescription service?


Girl with grandparents in a garden

Prescription order reminder

Avoid the stress of running out of supplies by registering for the prescription reminder service.

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Ostomy products on a bathroom sink

Product consultation

Get a free product consultation with our expert team today by calling 0800 88 50 50.

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Woman in a pink top accepting a delivery

Home delivery

In partnership with the NHS, we deliver stoma and continence products, directly to your door.

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Frequently asked questions

NHS Logo ;

Does the NHS charge me?

No, our service is free to use for those using continence and stoma care products.
An eldery woman getting help on her tablet from her daughter ;

Will it cost me to have supplies delivered?

No. Delivery is free of charge, plus all new customers receive our starter kit and complimentary items with their prescription.
Ostomy Products on a towel in a batheroom sink ;

Will I be able to order my usual products?

Amcare stocks a wide range of products available in the UK on prescription. Our world-class customer care advisors and our delivery providers DPD are dedicated to making sure you receive the right supplies.
An eldery man on his mobile phone ;

Will I get my supplies on time and to the right address?

Yes, our customer care advisors are dedicated to doing just that. Our focus is on delivering the right products, at the right time to the right address, supported by advice whenever you need it.

Nominate Amcare to process your electronic prescription

Call 0800 88 50 50 to register with our friendly team



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